Friday, July 6, 2012

What a day. Paulie and I arrived at the local office at 10 am for a briefing for our volunteer assignments for the day. The secret service and local officers were already sweeping a 6 block area and while I was in a conference, the local police scanner reported that my car was in the sweep area and needed to be moved. On the radio, someone suggested they contact the Library! One of the Sandusky Register reporters teased me about that broadcast! Terri rushed over to get my keys and took my car to a safe zone.

Paulie and I were assigned to check in the press-Local and national. There were 200 press at the event and we had to verify their names and affiations from a list, give them their press badges and lead them to the security gates. Later, we took box lunches to the Obama bus for the white house staff when they arrived. When all of our assignments were completed, we had full access to the area for guests and press to hear the speech and get autographs. After the event, we helped round up press that wanted to interview Orlando Pace, the Sandusky NFL star that introduced Obama.
In the photo above, Cynthia, our local field organizer, is working in the national press room, set up in the cafeteria of the school near the park where the speech was held.

It was hard to remember that for them, this is a job, they were not there as supporters. Paulie and I were interviewed by one AP reporter about Sandusky and the economy and so forth.

It was HOT, and we were on our feet until 5pm, but, it was an exciting day for us. Thanks to Eric and Kevin, who got us started in 2008. You trained us well!


  1. Thanks to you! It was so great to see you two!

    1. Thanks, Kevin, glad you could be there! jb
