Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving ponderings

I've had a  difficult time writing a blogpost after Marilyn passed away several days ago. Yesterday, while at the vet's with our other Sandard poodle, Jack, another client started telling us all about this fantastic white Standard poodle that sat in the church pew ahead of him every week for years. He told us how much he loved that dog, even though it wasn't his....I interrupted and told him that Marilyn Monroe had come to live with us 3 years ago and that she had passed away recently. He was clearly saddened and yet glad to know that she had been in good care after her owner passed away. This encounter, while not unusual because Marilyn was actually well known in this small Huron, Ohio community, just accentuated my raw sadness.

Marilyn Monroe (March 9, 2001-October 26, 2015)

Marilyn passed away swiftly from pneumonia. We were completely blindsided by this as she had done so well with all of her surgeries. You might imagine how lonely it is to suddenly not have your shadow beside you after 3 years....and that is the struggle. But, this is a blogpost of many things and I am going to try to move on.

My return to the gym after an absence of, um, many years, has made me happier and stronger. Many of the trainers around me are working out toward their next triathlon or marathon. Trying to perfect putting one foot in front of the other must be very difficult because they practice this alot. I, on the other hand, am working toward a unique goal of getting myself up from a bean bag chair!!! 

Google Images of pretty lady in a beanbag chair

While I don't actually own a bean bag chair these days (whew)  I thought that would be a worthy goal anyway. Really, how many people over the age of 45 can get up from a bean bag chair by themselves?  I hereby am initiating the BEANBAG CHALLENGE. I'll have to trust you on this one, but, if you can get out of a beanbag (you''ll have to find one first, of course) and have a photo to prove it, send it on to me by March 30, 2016 and you may receive a special trophy from me.

Christmas shopping. Yes, I know,  some of you are not in my league.  I am already FINISHED! And, I have two December birthdays nailed down as well. Ha. In fact, I'm looking for some shopping to do, so, if you need me to run errands, or shop for you, or anyone you know, please contact me. I'm here for you. I have my Black Friday scheduled already plotted out---I'm NOT going anywhere! Except to the gym (see Beanbag challenge above)

Needlepoint Canvas

Christmas decorating.  I haven't started that as of yet. I'm almost finished with my needlepoint Santa, though. I was stymied with the orange thread suggestion and reached out to the Needlepoint Nation. Yes, this exists- on Facebook! I have received over 100 suggestions and I settled on the ones that suggested a slightly darker pink color instead of the orange indicated. These are the kinds of things that can keep me up at night.

Brace yourself. You are about to see a very scary photo. It is a PORTION of the Christmas decorations stored in our attic. Everything is labeled. However,  I often just want the  box stored on the bottom of all of the others!

Unedited photo of Brooks attic-Christmas corner

I considered, briefly, boycotting putting up any decorations this year. Perhaps I could select one and only one box plucked at random from the pile. I could even  sort through all of this stuff and give most of it away! If you look at my December blogposts,  you'll see what usually happens at our house. Ron has carried all the boxes down two flights of stairs....and back up again.....for more than 25 years.....this year, I've hired someone else to help with this daunting task. (Happy Birthday, Ron!!)

Holiday yard flag used for one day each year
But before Christmas decorating issues are resolved, it's time to put the porch furniture away, find all of the traditional holiday recipes, and enjoy a few days of leftovers! I am thankful for all of you and hope you each have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!