First of all, let me give a big, big THANK YOU to Ron for giving me the gift of a farmstay for two at Juniper Moon Farm in Charlottesville, Va. We packed our bags and left around 8:30am and headed toward Pittsburg and on to WVA. Paulie took the first leg and drove in a huge downpour for the first 3 hours. We considered pulling over and waiting it out while knitting at a truck stop or two. Instead, we discovered the perfect pit stop........
Yep, our first one hour detour was spent at IKEA and the next hour detour was spent being lost around Pittsburgh! So, by the time we headed south, we were behind our schedule, but having a riot.
Here was our first stop in West Virginia. It was for sale, in case any of you are interested in starting up a new business.
We passed through Philippi and stopped to take a photo for Bob. Being a Civil War scholar, I'm sure he already knows about this. Our AAA trip tic (yes, they still make those paper guides) told us about the covered bridge, which wasn't too hard to find.
Enough history and we were on to cruise through the Alleghany Mountains. I must say, Minie (our van) held the road through the many, many switchbacks. This was during my stint as driver and I felt like I was on in a video arcade-the one where you pretend to steer the run away vehicle before crashing and losing points. ER, this was the real thing and it was a bit.......scary......Well, actually, when it was Paulette's turn to drive, I discovered that she was a race car driver in another life. She didn't want to waste the breaks and so, took the turns at 40 mph when the recommendation (ie, traffic sign) said 20 mph. No matter, we made it to our P.E.O. b&b around 8p,m. instead of 5pm.
Ann and David, retired Presbyterian minister and wife, welcomed us and led us to a vegan pizza place and entertained us with wonderful stories of their travels, families, and current life in Charlottesville, Va. The beautiful antiques spoke to us, and we marvelled that they accomplished downsizing from 7,000 SF to less than 2,000 SF. Is there hope for us? No. End of Day One.